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A Design and Development of The “Information Collector of Base Meter” Based on an Embedded Microprocessor(PDF)


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A Design and Development of The “Information Collector of Base Meter” Based on an Embedded Microprocessor
TANG Rui1 WANG Qingqing2
1. School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China; 2. Nanjing GoRi Technology Limited Company, Jiangsu Nanjing 210008, China
embed system operating system linux inform ation co llector
In this a rtic le, the author descr ibes the characters of an em bedded sy stem and put sforwa rd the pr inciple o f the system development as w e ll as som e factors unde r consideration when the so ftw are and hardware platfo rm are taken, such as the suppo rtab ility of a hardw are platform for the opera tion system, the supportab ility o f deve lopm ent too ls, the app lication area, the need of custom er, the cost and the difficulties of deve lopm en t. The author a rgues tha t them a jo r function o f an Info rma tion Co llecto r of B aseM e ter ( ICBM ) based on an em bedded m icroprocesso r is to carry out the remo te da ta co llection and the comm un ication m anagem ent for var ious Base M aters ( Powe rM eter, W ater M eter, GasM eter, etc. ) by C lient/Serv erm ode. The autho r also designs a ha rdw are system of the ICBM and prov ides the log ica l chart o f its struc ture, the me thod of its so ftware design and its schem a tic flow- charts o f starting-up and running procedure, m eanwh ile the autho r introduces the procedure of data transm iss ion up to a host v ia E therne t in a few w ords.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29