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An Algorithm of 3D Entity Surface Model Interpolation Based on the Vertex Curvature(PDF)


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An Algorithm of 3D Entity Surface Model Interpolation Based on the Vertex Curvature
XU SuweiSHENG YehuaWANG YongboBAI ShibiaoLIU Ping
1.Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Geographic Information Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China
3D en tity surface m odel triang le m eshes data dense v tk
Few er spec ia l po ints are used to sim ulate the true 3D en tity surface m ode ,l by u in terpolation denses, w hich has a lw ay s been the hot issue bo th a t hom e and abroad. The Curst a lgor ithm is a surface reconstruction a lgorithm on the bas is o fVorono imap in calculation geome try. It is s imp le and the reconstructed result is ve ry fine. H oweve r, it is a tim e-consum ing wo rk, and thus is lim ited in its application The paper presents a su rface reconstruction algor ithm for triang le meshes interpo lation by using the princ iple o f vertex curva tures, and acco rding to the spac ia l data, calcu lates the w eigh t o fm esh and each triang le. s centro id and rectifies it by using a ser ies o f pr inciples, and las-t ly, the user can m ake a percent to reconstruct the surface of entity. The paper also g iv es an examp le o f densed surfacem ode l to illustrate e fficiency of the m ethod based on v tk.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29