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Load Management System of Distribution Networks Based on GSM Wireless Communication Networks(PDF)


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Load Management System of Distribution Networks Based on GSM Wireless Communication Networks
WU Xuehong~
1,2),ZHAO Caihong~
GSM load managem ent system SM S m on itoring and contro l term ina l un it mon ito ring and contro l m aster station
Pow er load m anagem ent system is a comp le tem ult-i functiona l system wh ich integrates pow er business superv ision and m anag em ent, business copy, data acqu isition and netwo rk connection by apply ing severa l sub jects such as modern managem ent, application of com puter, autom atic contro l and in fo rm ation. In rura l pow er netwo rk, med ium and sm a ll sized custom ers have such character istics as sma ll capac ity, dispe rsed d istribution and sma ll am ount of data acqu isition. A im ing at these character istics, th is paper presents a new load m anagem ent system based on GSM ( G lobal System forM ob ile commun ication) ne tw ork, exp la ins the resource predom inance of using GSM as communication system, prov ides the com bination and des ign o f th is system, and finally, discusses the practicability of this system and its expansive app lication prospect


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Last Update: 2013-04-29