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Analysis of Equipment Running Condition Based on the Probabilistic Model Arithmetic(PDF)


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Analysis of Equipment Running Condition Based on the Probabilistic Model Arithmetic
CHU HongyanSHEN Shibin
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210042,China
probabilisticm ode l probab ilistic neura l ne tw orks condition mon itoring
Based on the essence o f dynam ic evo lution o f equ ipm en t condition, accord ing to probab ilistic neura l ne-t w orks ( PNN), a probab ility mode l of equ ipm ent cond ition is adopted to describe thewho le process o f equipment evolution from norm a l to fault in the paper. By ana ly zing N eural Netw ork construc tion, ca lcu lating the m a in m odel param eter and using them achine h isto ry da ta as the netw ork samp le, w e establish the probab ilitym ode l of m ach ine w ith the pretreatm ent m ode l data as a basis. The m ach ine equ ipm ent cond ition is w ell reflected by the probab ility m ode.l The reasonability and correctness o f them ode l are proved by analyzing the machine h istory da ta


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Last Update: 2013-04-29