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A Research on the Mechanics Capability of Laser Sintering in the Macromolecule Selective Area(PDF)


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A Research on the Mechanics Capability of Laser Sintering in the Macromolecule Selective Area
ZENG Xiqin~1ZHU Xiaorong~2
1.Wujin College,Jiangsu Radio and TV University,Jiangsu Changzhou 213161,China;2.Department of Machinery,Jiangsu Industry Institute,Jiangsu Changzhou 213061, China
se lective laser sinter ing m acromo lecu le pow de r co lophony re inforcem ent mechan ic property
Th is paper presents the effect of SLS processing param e ters on the as-sin tered sam ple and obta ins the opt-i m um pa rame ters. After a pro found research based on the process ing me thod of qu ick tak ing shape ( esp. Se lective Laser S intering), in order to so lve the problem ( ie. , the poo rm echanic capab ility of sinter ing product ofM ac rom o lecu le pow derm a terial), a co lophony re in fo rc ing treatm ent is g iven to the sin tering or ig ina.l The test o f them echan ica l properties is done of the as- sinter ing samp les wh ich are processed under the optim um param eters, inc lud ing stretch test, rig idity and so on. The re inforced sintering sam ples are obta ined whose m echan ic properties is 3 to 4 tim es tha t of the or ig ina l sinter ing sam ples, wh ich provides a new w ay to increase the m echan ic properties o fm ou ld ing sam ples


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Last Update: 2013-04-29