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The Application of Narrow Band Model in Gas Radiation(PDF)


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The Application of Narrow Band Model in Gas Radiation
WEI Wei~1WENG Chunsheng~2BAI Qiaodong~2
1.Department of Shipping and Electromechanical Engineering,Jiangsu Maritime Institute,Nanjing 211170,China;2.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
narrow band model rad ia tive hea t transfer spec tral abso rbab ility optica l depth
Genera lly, we account the gas m ed ium transparent, so gas rad ia tion is a lw ay s igno red. A long w ith the increase o f gas consistency, g as is m ore and m ore concerned w ith the radiative hea t transfer, so it is important to sim ulate gas rad ia tion in com bustion conditions. The practica l gas was assum ed as g ray g as w hose radiant cha racte ristic w as independent o f its w av elength. This assum ption can m ake the ca lcu la tion eas ier, but less sm art. The purpose o f this d isserta tion is to study the application of narrow band m ode l on gas radiation. The d isserta tion ca lcu la tes the spec tral intensity and transm ittance a long the wave leng th, using narrow band m ode ,l acco rd ing to the phys ica l property. The disse rtation plo ts curv es acco rd ing to the output pa rame ter, illustrates the fine o f the study. The dissertation also p lots curves after chang ing the temperature or the volum e fraction of soo t, and com pares w ith the one before changed, wh ich ind icates that the study o f app lication of Narrow B andM ode l is in acco rdance w ith the practice.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29