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Probability and Risk Models of Demand for the Price of Commodity(PDF)


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Probability and Risk Models of Demand for the Price of Commodity
HUA Cuncai
School of Mathematics,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650092,China
comm odity probability of dem and risk of dem and ma them a tica lm ode ls
Probab ility and r isk models for the price of commod ity a re stud ied from the dem and ing factor. F irstly, the probability distr ibution of dem and and form ula of the pr ice are g iven w ith m ax im a l probab ility of demand. It is proved that the price at wh ich the dem and is m ax im al is that o fm ax im al probability o f dem and, and that it is lower than the one w ith m ax im al pro fit. The price w ith m ax ima l dem and causes popu la rity of pr ice and consum ption and can be understood as public pr ice of comm odity. Secondly, recurring to the measurem ent o f r isk in financ ial m athem atics and ex tending the de finition of the var iance, a risk function o f dem and is obta ined for the price var iable. Furtherm ore, a-f ter com pa ring the r isks o f dem and for five spec ial prices, it is conc luded that the r isks are o rdered in turn from m in-i m um tom ax imum for the expec tation pr ice, the pricew ith m ax im a l probab ility of dem and and the pr ice w ith m ax ima l profit, and the low est and the h ighest pr ices. Th ird ly, the probab ility and risks o f dem and fo r floating or discounting pr ices are discussed. Conditions are g iven for inc reasing and low ering the risks o f dem and due to ad justing the pr ices. Fina lly, the results are ver ified by investigating the favo r of cho ices o f passengers fo r the floating prices during the period o f spring transportation in Kunm ing C ity.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29