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Development and Spatial Analysis of Digital Agriculture Garden Based on ArcGIS Engine(PDF)


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Development and Spatial Analysis of Digital Agriculture Garden Based on ArcGIS Engine
Education Ministry’s Key Lab of Geographic Information Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China
embeded-GIS arcGIS eng ine spatial ana ly sis
Based on the techn ique and theory o fEm beded- GIS, ArcGIS Eng ine and GIS Spatia lAnalysis, in comb-i nation w ith the d ig ita l agr iculture pro ject, and w ith A rcGIS Eng ine as its p la tform, the paper develops buffer ing function, one o fG IS spatial ana lyst functions. Then it exp la ins the developing process by in troduc ing basic function, page design, deta iled function design and dev elopment. Furthermo re, the paper deepens buffer ing function in A rcM ap, and show s abundance and efficiency o f Deve lop ing G IS Spatia l Ana lys is by app ly ing ArcG IS Eng ine.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29