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Study on Fast Numerical Method for Electromagnetic Finite Element Analysis(PDF)


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Study on Fast Numerical Method for Electromagnetic Finite Element Analysis
ZHAO Yang ~1UDPA Lalita~2UDPA Satish~2
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Michigan State University,East Lansing 48824,USA
electrom agne tic fie ld finite e lem en tm ethod num erical technique
F inite e lem en tm ethod ( FEM ) is pow erfu l fo r nume rical ana lysis and has been w ide ly and successfu lly used in num er ica l electrom agne tic ana lysis. On the o ther hand, the so lve r deve lopm ent, wh ich is also very important in so lv ing large-sca le FEM equations, still seem s not as w ell-researched as that of mode l deve lopm ent. In th is pape r, an num er ica l techn ique o f target-reg ion loca ting ( TRL) is presented and app lied in finite elem entm ethod for 3D e lec- trom agne ticm odeling. The pr inciple o f new so lver and its availability for non-linear use a re demonstra ted, show ing that it can be eas ily used w ith e fficiency. A lso the imp lem enta tion in FEM based on m agnetic vecto r po tential is intro- duced. F ina lly a num er ica l examp les o f 3D m agnetostaticm ode ling is g iven w ith the com parison o f computer resource used be tw een new so lver and comm ercia l softw are, seeing that a huge com puter resource can be saved by emp loy ing new so lver. Besides tha t, th ism e thod can also be extended to othe r quasi-static applications


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Last Update: 2013-04-29