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Experimental Analysis and Calculation of Electron Diffraction Cameral Length in TEM(PDF)


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Experimental Analysis and Calculation of Electron Diffraction Cameral Length in TEM
WANG XingheZHOU Yanhuai
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
TEM e lectron diffraction cam era l leng th cam era l consten t
The cam era length of electron diffraction in transm isson electron m icroscopy ( TEM ) is one of the m a in techn ica l param eters in designing e lectron m icroscope and the electron diffrac tion ana ly sis tom icrocry sta l sam ple. A cco rd ing to B ragg law, the fo rmu la o f ca lculating TEM electron diffrac tion cam era leng th is derived from the research on the ray pa th of electron diffraction im ages in TEM and the com par ison on electron diffraction w ith o rd ina ry e lectronic diffractom ete r. The difference of physical sign ificance o f e lectron d iffraction cam era leng th be tw een TEM and ord-i nary e lectronic diffractom eter is d iscussed. The reso lution index of e lec tron d iffraction in TEM is analyzed. The exac-t ly exper im enta lm e thod is g iven fo r dem arcating e lectron d iffraction came ra length by Go ld-m ono crysta l in TEM.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29