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Research and Development of Open-Architecture Computer Numerical Control System of Fast-Point(Grinding)-Machine(PDF)


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Research and Development of Open-Architecture Computer Numerical Control System of Fast-Point(Grinding)-Machine
LONG YunyunLI ChaoDING YouheFANG Yijun
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
open-architecture CNC system mo tion contro l VB
Open- architec ture CNC ( Com puter ized Num er ica l Contro l) system based on PC andW indow s operating system is the trend o f the CNC. The study of the fast point ( gr ind ing ) form ing machine is introduced in this pape r. The GE-300-SG-PCI mo tion control card and a NC-embedded PC open-arch itectureCNC system are app lied in the research. The design o f the hardw are structu re and the so ftwa re platform based onW indow s opera ting system is accomp lished. Themo tion control card and the comm un ication be tw een themo tion contro l card and PC a re introduced expecia lly for open-arch itecture CNC sy stem o f th is fast point ( gr ind ing ) form ingm ach ine. It is proved that the sho rter the exp lo it period o f this sy stem is, the h igher the degree o f opening is, the bette r the mo tion contro l is, and it could be in comm on application. So th is system has a good fu ture of developm ent and econom ic benefit.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29