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Extension Evaluate Model for Checking the University Staff’s Achievement(PDF)


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Extension Evaluate Model for Checking the University Staff’s Achievement
DING YouheZHOU Chunlin
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Division of Teaching Affairs,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
m atter- elem ent ana lys is extension evalua tem ode l check ach ievement dependen t function
To comb ine the reality dem and o f check ing the un iversity sta ffcs ach ievem ent, the paper puts fo rw ard the dependen t functions for checking ach ievem ent, and constructs the ex tens ion eva luate m ode.l To ana ly ze m atte r-e lem en t in four aspects of m orality, ab ility, wo rk and achievem en t, to quantize the m ain character istic affections, and then to de fine thew eigh coeffic ient for each ma tter-e lem ent character byAHP, it defines the extension eva luatem atrix for the reality dem and including the ach ievem ent and contr ibution. The ex tension ev alua temode l is not only the foundation o f check ing ex cellent staff by the year, bu t a lso the judg e criter ion of sta ffcs contribution and ab ilities


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Last Update: 2013-04-29