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EMD and Research Employed to Electroencephalogram Analysis(PDF)


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EMD and Research Employed to Electroencephalogram Analysis
Zhou BaixinLiang ZhongchengZhao YangWang WeiZhao Xinhong
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
emp irical mode decom po sition ( EMD) e lectroencepha log ram ( EEG) non-stationary data s igna l intr insicm ode function ( IMF) H ilbert spec trum
Based on the Em p ir ica lM odeDecom position ( EMD), a new data ana lys is m ethod fo r processing non linear and non-stationary signal has been deve loped. The key part o fm ethod is the EMD m ethod w ith wh ich any com plicated data s igna l can be decomposed into a fin ite and o ften sm a ll number o f Intr insicM ode Functions ( IMF) that adm itw e ll - behaved H ilbert transform s. The loca l energy and instantaneous frequency of the signal can be de riv ed from the IMFs. Th is fu ll energy-frequency-tim e relation of the data signa l is called theH ilbe rt spectrum. It is an ideal for nonlinear and non-stationary da ta ana lys is. The pr inciple and sifting process of the EMD m ethod are introduced, and ana lysis results abou t some ac tua l examp les w ith EMD m e thod are also show n. The possib ility that the EMD m ethod is applied in ana lysis of an E lectroencephalog ram ( EEG) is discussed and a few Intr insicM ode Function ( IM F) com ponen ts and H ilbert spectrum of the EEG are g iv en. The EMD m ethod presented is attem pted to ana lysis the com plex non- sta tiona ry EEG da ta signal.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29