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Experimental Investigations on the Drying Characteristics of Cut Tobacco(PDF)


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Experimental Investigations on the Drying Characteristics of Cut Tobacco
Gu Zhongzhu1Xu Aiqin1Lu Liugen1Cai Song2Xie Jun2
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Department of Power Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
cut tobacco dry ing charac teristics flavo r filling pow er
At present, the resea rches on the mass and heat transfer m echan ism o f cut tobacco a re in the static process. These exper im ent resu lts have a ce rtain deg ree of dev ia tion from the industrial practice. In response, w e de signed, insta lled and put up a dynam ic exper im enta l fac ility, so as to sim ulate industr ia l reality. A dynam ic exper i m en t of cut tobacco dry ing w as m ade on this facility. The m ass and heat transferm echan ism o f we t cut tobacco and the filling pow er changes in heating or hum id ifing processes w ere also researched. The research results show that the dry ing process includes constant ra te period and fa lling rate per iod. The dry ing rate corresponding to the constant stage depends on the dry ing cond itions. Increasing the tem perature o r ve loc ity of a ir flow greatly shorten the dry ing process. From the perspective of im prov ing tobacco’ s dry ing properties, it is suggested tha t the a ir flow and hea t transfer rate shou ld be increased in the constant rate period. The filling pow er o f dr ied cut tobacco is significantly in fluenced by dry ingm ethods, the temperature and m o isture content of entranc ing cu t tobacco and dry ing m edium con ditions. Fo r ro lling dryer, the h ighe r filling pow er va lue corresponds to dow nstream quick ly dry ing way, higher in le t tem perature and m o isture content.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29