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Application Analysis of Radiant Floor Cooling Combined With Underfloor Air Distribution System(PDF)


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Application Analysis of Radiant Floor Cooling Combined With Underfloor Air Distribution System
Xia Xueying1Wang Zijie1Xia Daoming2
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.The Quality Supervising Station of Architecture Engineering in Anqiu,Anqiu 262100,China
rad iant floor coo ling under floor a ir distr ibution d isplacem ent ventilation dew po int
W ith the rap id popular ization o f floor rad iant heating, the application of floor rad iant coo ling is strong ly interested. From the featu re ana lysis of the rad iant floor coo ling and underfloor air d istribution ( UFAD) w as put fo rw ard the comb ined sy stem of rad iant floor coo ling and UFAD, and desc ribed the w ater system, w ind system and contro l m odes of the com b ined system, and presen ted the a ir- condition ing princ ip le cha rt o f a ir d istr ibu tion system. The comb ined uses of radian t floo r coo ling and UFAD raised the feasibility of floor rad iant in summ er. Through the ana lysis, the autho r hope to prom ote the further use of radiant heating / coo ling system in w ider range.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29