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Key Agreement Scheme for Dynamic Secure Multicast Based on Connected Dominating Set(PDF)


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Key Agreement Scheme for Dynamic Secure Multicast Based on Connected Dominating Set
Ding Yongping
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
secure mu lticast key ag reem ent connected dom inating set elliptic curve cryptosystem
H ow to des ign effic ient key agreem ent schem es is a d ifficult problem in dynam ic securem ulticast. In th is pape r, w e propose a nove l key agreem en t schem e using E lliptic Curve Crypto system fo r dynam ic secu re mu lticast based on CDS( Connected Dom inating Set). F irst, we use CDS g roup ing ar ithm etic to partition the mu lticast group m em bers. Then w e apply E lliptic Curve Crypto system to the procedure of key agreem ent of every subg roup and the entire mu lticast group. Adopting the CDS structure not only increases the system ag ility and avo ids producing h itches, but a lso im proves the sy stem haleness. App ly ing E lliptic Curve Crypto system decreases the computation of key agreem en t and cryptography arithm etic. W e a lso analyze the pro cedure of key agreem ent of every subgroup and the entire m ulticast g roup, and the procedure of upda ting of group keys w ith the dynam ic change of group m em bers in detai.l The ana ly sis show s tha t our scheme is not only effic ient in com puta tion and comm un ication, but also sa tisfies the security requ irem ents of mu lticast key agreem ent.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29