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Progress of Numerical Similations on Transportation of Coal-Water Slurry in Pipeline(PDF)


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Progress of Numerical Similations on Transportation of Coal-Water Slurry in Pipeline
Zhao GuohuaDuan YufengWang QiufenChen Liangyong
Key Laboratory of Clean Coal Power Generation and Combustion Technology of the Ministry of Education,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
coa-lw ate r slurry liquid- so lid tw o-phase flow non-N ew tonian flow num er ica l simu lation
Coa lw ater slurry ( CWS) is a k ind of non-New ton ian fluid having v ery comp lex rheology. The num er ica l simu lation on CW S‘ s flow pattern and in ternal configura tion in its pipe flows is helpfu l to rea lize the v isua lization o f CWS, wh ich can a lsom ake up the insu ffic iency in its experim ental tests. In th is paper, the state of the art of cu rrent theo retical mode ls based on liqu id-so lid tw o phase flow s and non-New tonian fluids, and num erica l approaches to pred ict the flow s o f coal w ater slurry in pipes w ere summ ar ized and com pa red, w ith consideration o f the factors of add-i tives that may in fluence the m ode ls. It is conc luded tha t the non-New tonian flow m ode lm ay be the preferab lem ode l for pred icting the high concentrated CWS p ipe flow s though it still has som e uncertain ties. Some prob lem s in var ious m ode ls are discussed and som e suggestions are proposed for further improv ing the num e rica lm e thodo log ies


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Last Update: 2013-04-29