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Experiment on the Purification of NO With Non-Equilibrium Plasma(PDF)


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Experiment on the Purification of NO With Non-Equilibrium Plasma
Yang Hongmin1Wang Ning1Li Jiafeng1Cao Binhong1Li Rui1Huang Houxue1Chen Hong2
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Research Institute of Underground Building,Shanghai 200020,China
non-equ ilibrium plasm a d ielectr ic barrier discha rge reduction pur ification n itrog en ox ide
An approach to treat nitrogen ox ide ( NO) in simu lated eng ine exhaustw ith the non-equ ilibrium plasm a genera ted by the d ie lectric barrier d ischarge is investigated experim enta lly. The resu lts show that the non-equilibr ium p lasm a is effective to pur ifyNO. The impact of several factors on NO reduction, such as electrodem ater ia ls and configuration, input vo ltage, content o f O2, in itia l concentra tion of NO and resident tim e, g ive d irections to optim ize the NO purification dev ice. The elem enta l reaction mechan ism invo lved in NO-plasm a chem istry is a lso ana ly zed and theNO rem ova l effect depends on two paralle l reactions o f ox idation and reduction wh ich competes each othe r s imultaneously.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29