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General CMAC Model for Gaussian Functions’ Controller and its Application on Robotic Tracking Control(PDF)


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General CMAC Model for Gaussian Functions’ Controller and its Application on Robotic Tracking Control
Gu ZhouZhu Jianzong
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Datun Coal and Electricity Company,Xuzhou 221618,China
Gauss basis function genera l ce rebe llar model articu lation contro ller( CMAC ) robot
Fast-algor ithm o f general cerebe llar mode l articulation contro ller( CMAC) based on Gauss ian functions is introduced, and the lea rning-ra te o f CMAC is adjusted using fuzzy algor ithm so that it can be adapted to the change o f the dynam ic feature o f the contro l system. It is a lso app lied on robotic tog etherw ith adaptive PID, so the con tro l strat-egy can avo id contro ller‘ s output produc ing surge o r en tering saturation cond ition and it enhances the robust of the system. S imu lation results show: the presented m e thod can improv e the system s’ robust and real tim e perform ance.


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Last Update: 2013-06-04