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Design of the Automatic Marking Algorithm for Excel Document(PDF)


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Design of the Automatic Marking Algorithm for Excel Document
Peng Zuomin
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
automa tic m ark ing excel do cum en t s ing le applicability
Th is paper introduces know ledge aspects of Ex ce l test accord ing to the func tion o f EXCEL. Autom atic m ark ing a lgor ithm for each know ledge aspects are presented. S ing le app licab ility in fuzzy m athem atics is used as m easure basis to evalua te the resu lt of EXCEL docum en ts, and them istakes ofm ark ing are reduced e ffectively. M oreove r, an ingenious algorithm for know ledge aspect of formu la and func tion ope ra tion is presented, and the d ifficulty to exhaust the standa rd answ er has been so lv ed. Sim ultaneously, a fau lt-to lerant a lgor ithm for corre lative m istake caused by the w rong operation is presented. A com prehensiv e and accurate m ethod is prov ided fo r EXCEL docum en t ma rking.


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Last Update: 2013-06-04