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Study of Key Techniques in Conducted EMC(PDF)


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Study of Key Techniques in Conducted EMC
Zhao Yang12Yin Haiping2Li Shijing2Jiang Ningqiu2Sun Yan2See Kye Yak3
1.College of Information and Electrical Engineering,China University of Mining Technology,Xuzhou 221008,China;2.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;3.College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Nanyang Technology University,Singapore 639798,Singapore
conducted EMC EM I no ise d iagnos is and suppression no ise source m ode ling dec ision param e ters m ode ling
W ith the deve lopm ent and com e out o f var ious k inds of electron ic products, a lo t o f problem s about conduc ted EMC have appeared but haven t’ been pe rfectly so lved ye t. Th is paperm akes a system atic study on som e key techn iques in conducted EMC, includ ing a contrastive analysis of conducted EM I no ise separa tion techn iques, conduc ting a d iagno stic exper iment and sim ulation study of EM I no ise, prov iding a des ign p lan of no ise suppression and filte rs. In order to ge t an e ffectiv e result of no ise suppression, the paper introduces the w ay of obta in ing im pedance inform ation o f no ise source w ith two probes approach and hilbe rt transform, sugg ests a dec ision m ak ing model built based on com b ination o f technic and econom y, and illustrates the valid ity o f the m ethod w ith the examp les o f EM I no ise suppression and m easurem ent o f no ise source impedance.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29