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Study on the Synthesis and Application of Flame Retardant Perchloropentacyclodecan(PDF)


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Study on the Synthesis and Application of Flame Retardant Perchloropentacyclodecan
Li Li1Yang Jinfei2Zhu Yuan1
1.Department of Chemistry,Nanjing Xiaozhuang College,Nanjing 210041,China;2.School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
flam e re tardant Perch lo ropentacyclodecan synthes is
In th is paper, flam e re tardant Perch lo ropentacyclodecan is syn thesized by reaction o f hex ach lorocyclopentad iene through A lC l3 as the cata lyzer. In the course of synthes is, through the orthogonal design the var ious reaction cond-i tions are discussed. So the optim al reac tion cond itions a re confirm ed: the am ount of cata ly st is 1. 5 percent, reaction tim e is 2 hours, and the reaction tem pe rature is 90℃ . A t last, the perform ances in d ifferentm ater ia ls are tested. The resu lts show that Perch lo ropentacyclodecan is an effective flame re tardant for the po lym er ic ma teria ls.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24