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Resolution of Wireless Mobile Interaction at Close Range Between Medium and Low Level Intelligent Equipment and Computer System(PDF)


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Resolution of Wireless Mobile Interaction at Close Range Between Medium and Low Level Intelligent Equipment and Computer System
Rong Yao12Li Xin3
1.College of ZhongBei,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China;2.College of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;3.Nanjing Automation Research Institute,Nanjing 210003,China
m ed ium and low level inte lligent equ ipm ent w ireless interaction at c lose range seam less com puting w eb serv ice
To crea te applications o f w ireless interaction at close rang e be tw een m ed ium and low leve l inte lligent equ ipm ent and computer system, M ag icCubem ob ile reso lution is presented w hich com prisesM ag icCubem obile fram ewo rk and iX ion m obile serv ice. The fo rm er prov ides a fram ewo rk fo rw ire less interaction at close range betw een m ed ium and low level inte lligent equ ipm ent and com puter system, and offe rs a deve lopm en t env ironm ent sim ilar to. NET W inForm wh ile the latter is a rich-c lien t serv ice based on the fo rm er and w eb serv ice, and can transform rem oteHTTP serv ice tow ire less interac tion at c lose range serv ice based onM ag icCubem ob ile fram ewo rk. The reso lution ex tends the seam less com puting ab ility o f w ireless interaction at close range o fM icroso ft. NET Framewo rk, and estab lishes a br idg e be tw een enterprise w eb serv ice and w ire less interaction at c lose range se rv ice. Exper im ents show thatM ag icCubem ob ile reso lution can bring users novel expe rience of mob ile comm erce se rv ices and hom e enterta inm ent.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24