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A Switching Median Filter for Extremely Corrupted Images With Great Disparity Between Low and High Intensity Impulse Noise(PDF)


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A Switching Median Filter for Extremely Corrupted Images With Great Disparity Between Low and High Intensity Impulse Noise
Qiu Xiaohui12Zhao Yang 3
1.College of Electrical Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221008,China;2.College of Communication Engineering,Nanjing University of Post and Telecom,Nanjing 210003,China;3.School of Electrical and Automatization Engineering,Nanj
im age processing im age deno ising med ian filter impu lse no ise
Though boundary d iscrim inative no ise detection ( BDND) m ethod is frequently considered as an effic ient m ethod for image deno ise, how eve rwhen co rruption density o f salt or pepper no ise of im age corrupted by im pu lse no ise is larg er than 50%, research shows tha t th ism ethod is no long er va lid because its perform ance becom es ser iously deter iorated. Thus am od ified BDND m ethod is proposed in this case. In th is m ethod the nearest intensity va lue to 128 is se lected as the separating po int in each sub image instead o f them ed ian be ing separating po int in or ig inal BDND m ethod, so as to avo id separating po int selected in co rrupted area. The new m ethod can obv iously im prove PSNR va lue o f reconstruction im ages as we ll as rem a in the advantages o f the or ig ina l BDND w ith a lm ost no add ition o f com plex ity.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24