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Shot Detection Base on Maximum-Between-Cluster-Distance(PDF)


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Shot Detection Base on Maximum-Between-Cluster-Distance
Guo ZhiqiangHuang Zhihua
College of Mathematics and Computer Science,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350002,China
v ideo de tection shot boundary detection class distance
The shot chang e detection is a basic and im portant techno logy in v ideo retr ieva.l But the trad itiona l sho t boundary detec tion m ethods only conside r the two adjacent v ideo inform ation, and do no t take fu lly in to account the prev ious and consequent v ideo sequences in the continuity and thus easily lead to error detection. Therefore a new sho t boundary detection a lgor ithm based on max imum-betw een-c luster-d istance is proposed. Them ethod can m ake full use o f v ideo sequences in the continuity o f inform ation, and overcom e the traditiona l boundary- less than the detection m ethod. La rge num ber o f exper im ents show s tha t the algor ithm has e ffective ly improved the de tection rate and prec is ion.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24