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Design and Implementation of a Web Crawler for Images(PDF)


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Design and Implementation of a Web Crawler for Images
Zhu XuefangHan Zhanxiao
Department of Information Management,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
anchor text link-contentW eb craw ler JXTA top ica l craw ler
An approach of a w eb craw ler for im ages is designed and imp lemented in th is paper. An elicitation m ethod based on tex t content is adopted, and the de term ination o f topic co rre la tion is rea lized w ith the help o f the ancho r tex t o f im age files and the ir contex ts, to snatch at resources of re levant im ages mo re accura tely. The pape r a lso carr ies out the determ ination o f topic correlation of im ages so as to pilot m ore e ffectively the craw ling path of the craw lers. Expe rim en ts prov e tha t the system has a certa in e ffect o f optim ization, and lays a good foundation of rea lizing the co llection o f im age inform ation of d irectiona l topics


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Last Update: 2013-04-24