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A GeneralHybrid Cryptograph Transfer ProtocolApplied in Password Synchronization(PDF)


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A GeneralHybrid Cryptograph Transfer ProtocolApplied in Password Synchronization
 L iHuafeng Q ianH uanyan
Netw ork C enter, Nan jing Un ivers ity of S cien ce and Technology, Nan jing 210094, Ch in a
network secur ity authentication protocol passwo rd synchron ization H CTP
This paper com bines the authentication pro tocol based on symm e tric keyw ith the au thentication protoco l based on pub lic key, prov ides a genera l hybr id cryptog raph transfer pro toco l( HCTP) app lied in passw ord synchron ization. It a lso reveals requirem ents ana ly sis, a lgo rithm se lection, pro toco l conten t, and proves its v alid ity through BAN log ic on the basis of protoco l analysis. The ana ly sis result prov es that the purpose o f pro to co l can be ach ieved as expected


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Last Update: 2013-07-22