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 Design of Flash File System Based on 6025 P latform of CDMA(PDF)


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 Design of Flash File System Based on 6025 P latform of CDMA
Q iang H ao Sh iL ianm in W angH ongyuan
School of Inform at ion Science and Engineering, J iangsu Po lytechn ic Un ivers ity, Changzhou 213164, Ch ina
 flash m em ory file system ba lance design m essage receiv ing and dispa tch ing m echanism em bedded system
A k ind o f em bedded flash file system ( ffs) is designed to handset R&D platfo rm of CDMA 6025. Th is ffs h-i e rarchy is m ade up o f five parts such as dr iver, core function, ta rget function, m anage function and ffs task. Us ing messag e rece iv eing and d ispa tch ing m echan ism data ex chang ing and da ta shar ing is achieved in d ifferen t tasks. This designs inc ludes m ostly designs o f d irec to ry structure and file struc ture, de le ting, renam ing and am end ing of a object and ba-l ance design o f flash life by inqu iring the in fo rm ation o f b lo ck. In practice th is ffs is app ly ing effective ly, and based on it a ser ies o f CDMA mob ile phones are manufac tured.


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Last Update: 2013-07-22