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Construction ofD istributed Database System Based on SQL Server 2000(PDF)


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Construction ofD istributed Database System Based on SQL Server 2000
Ge Zh ibin
Departm en t of Im format ion Science and Technology, Yan cheng T eachers College, Yan cheng 224002, Ch ina
SQL Server distributed database system construction
H av ing ana lyed and researched on the distributed database m anag em ent and the m echan ism of SQL Server 2000, th is paper show s the log ic construc tion o f distributed database arch itecture based on SQL Server 2000 and introduces in deta ils the steps of reg istration and configur ing linked server. It d iscusses the conceptions, plans and imp lem entation of data partition in SQL Server 2000 database d istributed storag e. It also investigates the crea tion and application in d istr ibuted query o f distributed partitioned v iew. This paper is wo rthy fo r the configuration, app lication and deve lopm ent o f SQL Serve r 2000 distributed database system.


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Last Update: 2013-07-22