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Research of Recognition for Pointer Angle of Dial Based on Embedded ARM(PDF)


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Research of Recognition for Pointer Angle of Dial Based on Embedded ARM
Jin JingquanLiu Qing
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210048,China
embedded ARM im ag e recognition subtraction law least squarem ethod
The au tom atic recognition techno logy o f ana log m easurem ent instrum ents is ve ry im portant fo r automa tic ca l-i bration dev ices. In th is artic le, a new m ethod for the po in t ang le recognition is brought forwa rd, wh ich is specia lly fit to running equ ipm ents, and then least squarem ethod is used to approx im ate the po int equation. Itm ake fu ll use of dynam ic im age acquisition equ ipm ent and mu lt-i threaded platfo rm, the im age pro cessing a lgo rithm s and feature ex traction algorithm s to optim ize the comb ination o f acqu isition and interpreta tion in order tom akem ult-i threaded imp lem enta tion o f the comp licated w ay. The system has the traits o f easy ca lcu lation, good rea l tim e and low recogn ition e rror. Through a great deal o f d iffe rent condition exper iments, this kind o f ca lcu lation m ethod is proved to be very v alid for the po int read ing s o f the embedded ARM system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23