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Workflow Model of Emergency Management Based on Petri Nets(PDF)


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Workflow Model of Emergency Management Based on Petri Nets
Ge DanZheng HuisongYao Guozhang
School of Economics and Management,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunication,Nanjing 210003,China
eme rgency m anagem en t Petri ne t WF-ne t simu la tion
In th is paper, the defin ition, w ork flow struc ture and task tr iggerm ethod ofWF-net deve loped from Pe tri ne ts a re d iscussed. WF-ne t is in troduced to deve lop aw ork flow model of eme rgencym anagem ent system, and a modeling appro ach and relativ e ru les based on the Petri ne ts are propo sed. A case of eme rgency m anag em ent system on the leve l o f prov ince w as used to demonstra te in deta il how to develop the Pe tri nets w ork flow m ode l according to the m ethod and ru les. F inally, an analysis too l is emp loyed to verify the correctness and rationa lity o f thew ork flow m odel.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23