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Study on Carotenoids Production by Neurospora intermedia(PDF)


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Study on Carotenoids Production by Neurospora intermedia
Tang Gang12Chen Yuru12Liu Youfen12
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China;2.Jiangsu Key Lab for Biodiversity and Biotechnology,Nanjing 210046,China
N eurosp ora interm edia caro teno ids b iom ass aux iliary
The wo rk screened a strain o fN eurosp ora interm ed ia tha t y ie ld caroteno ids. The effect factors on output of caro teno ids such as culture cond itions, spec ies add itives and the illum ina tion fo rN. interm ed ia in the ferm enta tion pro cess w ere studied. The results show ed that optim um temperature o f produc ing caro teno ids w as 30e , when added 1.5 mg /L ga llic acid and 0.05 g /L phy tin respective ly into the culture med ium, the caro teno ids content of myce lium w as up to 46.44 and 54. 03 (μ g /g dry cell), the caro teno ids y ield increased by 100% and 133% ( dry ce ll) than the contro l respectively. Illum ination had an obv ious effect on prom oting ou tput o f caro te no ids, com pared w ith the contro,l the caro teno ids production increased by 73.7%. The caro teno ids content in spo res o fN. interm ed ia is as h igh as 145.5μ g /g( dry spore), sign ificantly h ighe r than that of my ce lium content. Spore production capac ity w as larger in cu ltu re so lid, so the ca rotenoids con tent o fm a terials w as 81.94μ g / g dry koji.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23