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Design of the Real-Time Multi-channel Temperature Measuring System Based on Matlab(PDF)


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Design of the Real-Time Multi-channel Temperature Measuring System Based on Matlab
Kuai Rui
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,Shanghai Institute of Technology,Shanghai 200235,China
M atlab language instrum entcontro l too lbox se rial communication
B ased on the pr incip le o f rea ltim e asynch ronous comm un ication be tw een PC and SCM inM atlab, a m ulti
channe l temperature m easu ring system was designed. The SCM and DS18B20 are used to co llect data, and PC is used for
rea liza tion o f processing and show ing the result g raph ica lly, then the ana ly tica l function is w orked out. The communication system w as deve loped onM a tlab, wh ich g rea tly im proves the deve lopm ent e ffic iency, and it is prac tical.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23