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SVM Model Selection Based on Genetic Algorithms and Empirical Error Minimization(PDF)


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SVM Model Selection Based on Genetic Algorithms and Empirical Error Minimization
Zhou XinXu Jianhua
School of Computer Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
support vector m ach ine ke rnel func tion kerne l param e ter em pir ica l erro r genetic a lgor ithm
The spread ing capacity o f support vec to rm ach ine ( SVM ) depends large ly on the se lec tion o f kerne l function and its param eters, and penalty facto r, tha t ism ode l selection. H av ing ana lyzed the param ete rs’ in fluence on the classif-i e rs’ recogn ition accuracy, w e propose a new m ethod for SVM model se lection using genetic algor ithm and em pir ica l e rror m inim ization. The exper im ents on 13 diffe rent UC I benchm a rks show its correc tness, effec tiveness and good spreading perform ance.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23