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Recognition and Improvement of Identifying Code(PDF)


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Recognition and Improvement of Identifying Code
Huang SaipingXu Ming
School of Computer Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China
network secur ity identify ing code recogn ition im provem ent
In a llusion to thew ide use of identify ing codes in internet security and identification authentication, the paper d iscusses the func tiona l pr inc iples o f identify ing codes and commonly used w ay s o f recognizing identify ing codes. Seg m enta tion and recogn ition exper im ents of identify ing codes arem ade. The experim ental results ind icated tha t the ex isting identify ing codes are no t effective in ensu ring the system security. An improved m ethod is propo sed in th is paper. Its prog ram is sim ple and effec tive, and the new ly gene rated identify ing codes can increase the d ifficulty o f recogn ition and decrease the accuracy o f dec ipherm ent. Thus, it has a good value of prom otion. Som e suggestions on identifying code design ing are g iven in the end of th is paper.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23