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Experimental Investigation on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Road Dust in Nanjing(PDF)


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Experimental Investigation on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Road Dust in Nanjing
Li ChuantongJia Hehua
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Najing 210042,China
road dust particle diam ete r calor ie va lue fracta l d im ension
Different sam ples o f road dust a re taken in N an jing c ity. Co rresponding exper im ents on pa rtic le d iam e ter and e lem en tal com ponents of these samp les are perform ed to obta in distributions o f particle d iam eters, elem enta l com ponen ts and leve ls. Low-ca lo rie-v alue o f arrived basis and fracta l d im ension o f road dust are com puted and analyzed where lowca lo rie-va lue o f arrived basis ranges from 5 385.0 kJ /kg to 7366.6 kJ /kg and fracta l dim ension fluctuates between 2.302 and 2.541. Th is prov ides fundam en tal informa tion for direct ene rgy utilization and san itary landfill of road dust.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23