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Study on Influencing Factors and Mechanism of Silicon Scaling in Weak Base ASP Flooding(PDF)


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Study on Influencing Factors and Mechanism of Silicon Scaling in Weak Base ASP Flooding
Yan XueWang BaohuiSui XinGai Cuiping
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Daqing Petroleum Institute,Daqing 163318,China
w eak baseASP flood ing silicon sca le influenc ing factors silicon m olybdenum ye llow spectrophotome tryscalingm echan ism form ation sca ling
During the w eak base a lkaline-surfactant-polymer ( ASP) flooding, w eak base chem ica l sodium ca rbonate m ay lead to silicon sca ling in the rese rvo ir and produced system, w hich w ill not on ly do harm to reservo ir and o ilfield, bu t a lso to production. Thus, the paper carried out th is research w hich not on ly w ill prov ide som e theoretica l gu idance for sca le contro l and remova l but promo te the application and deve lopm ent of w eak base ASP flood ing. The influence o f pH va lue、tem pe rature and carbonate sca le we re studied by using of silicomolybdenum ye llow spectropho tom etry. The results show that: in the range o f pH 8.2 - 10. 2 or tem pe ra ture 25℃ - 65℃ , when pH va lue or tem pera ture increased, the tendency of silicon sca ling decreased respectively; carbona te scale could promo te silicon sca ling, and w hen ca rbonate scale increased, the tendency of silicon scaling increased. M o reover, based on the classical theory o f silicic ac id poly- m eriza tion, th is paper expounded in deta il the form ing m echan ism of s ilicon sca le. It can be summa rized as fo llow s: mono-silicicac id→ poly→silicic acid -silicic acid gel→ silicon scale.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23