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Investigation on Acoustic Velocity Precise Measurement for Liquid Using Phase Detection Technique(PDF)


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Investigation on Acoustic Velocity Precise Measurement for Liquid Using Phase Detection Technique
Pan WenMa Qingyu
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
phase detection techn ique acoustic ve loc itym easurem en t for liqu id m ilk concen tration m easurem ent
The so lution concentration measurem entw ith the acoustic veloc ity in liquid is an im portant techn ique in Nondestructive Ex am ination ( NDE ). The prec isem easurem ent o f acoustic ve locity fo r liquid us ing phase detec tion techn ique is proposed in the paper. Based on the veloc ity range, the sound propag ation distance is confirm ed to m ake the phase d ifference from 0 to 2P between the set va lues of the max im um and m inim um ve lo cities. The relations among the d istance, the ve lo city ratio and the sound frequency are ana lyzed and the ve lo city can be ca lculated w ith AD de tection. The techniquew as app lied in m ilk concentra tion m easurement, the favo rable results proved that the proposed technique prov ides the accura te and rap id m easurement of acoustic ve loc ity and suggests the pro sperous future in the concentration m easurement for the acid and a lka li or the o ther solutions。


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Last Update: 2013-04-23