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Design and Implementation of DSP and PC-High-Speed Data Transfer Interface(PDF)


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Design and Implementation of DSP and PC-High-Speed Data Transfer Interface
Gu XueqiaoLi JieXu Yinlin
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
USB inter face firmw are programm ing dig ita l signa l processors high-speed communications
A h igh-per fo rm ance EZ-USB FX2 sing le-chip CY7C68013 is used as the USB inte rface, wh ich rea lizes the h igh speed transm ission o f data between the DSP chip TMS320F2812 and PC. The paper introduces the hardw are structure o f the system, e labo rates the design process o f thew ork of CY7C68013 firmw are SLAVE FIFO m ode, and finally introduces a EZ-USB FX2-based s ing le-ch ip high-speed data transm iss ion application system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23