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Searching for Secondary Voltage Control Area Based on Particle Swarm Optimization(PDF)


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Searching for Secondary Voltage Control Area Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
Wang ChunyanWang QianqianMa ChengfeiZhao Caihong
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
secondary voltage control partition ing contro l e lectr ica l d istance particle sw arm optim iza tion algorithm
The pa rtition ing of e lectr ic pow er system fo r vo ltage contro l is a non- linear, la rge-sca le comb inator ial optim -i zation problem. Conventional me thods are not norm a lly appropr iate for such a problem. Based on the sens itiv ity of vo l-t age to reac tive pow er injection, th is paper first defines the e lectr ica l distance betw een the tw o nodes in pow er sy stem, and then based on th is idea, a novel optim ization model fo r partitioning of pow er system for vo ltage control is established, and search for particle sw arm optim iza tion me thods have been used to optim ize the pa rtition of the vo ltagem ode.l Fina lly the feasib ility and effic iency o f the proposed me thod are ver ified on the IEEE 39-bus system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02