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Synthesis of Fire Retardants of Dipentaerythritol Diphosphonate Ester(PDF)


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Synthesis of Fire Retardants of Dipentaerythritol Diphosphonate Ester
Zhou HaoWang DanZhang ShileiZhi HuizhenYang Jinfei
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
d ipentaerythrito l tripheny lphosph ite ester exchange diphosphonate fire reta rdant
Dipentaery thrito l cyc lic phosphonate ester was synthesized from d ipentaerythrito l( TPE ) and tr ipheny lphos ph ite( TPP) in the presence of sod ium hydrox ide cata lyst by a step of ester exchang e reaction. The e ffects o f process pa  rame ters, such as m o lar ratio, reaction temperature, reaction tim e and cata ly st on the y ie ld w ere studied respectively from o rthogona l experim ents. The su itab le synthesis conditions we re de fined as fo llow s: sodium hydrox ide is the suitable ca talyst, its dosage is 1% of the am ount of a ll reactan t, them o la r ratio of triphenylphosph ite and dipentaerythrito l is 2. 06 :1, the reaction tem pe rature is 100℃  ~ 110℃  , and the reaction tim e is 10 hours. On the above cond itions, the syn  thesis produc tiv ity is 86. 3%. The structure of the produc t was confirm ed by IR and EA respec tive ly.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02