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Research on Trust Model Based on Trusted Decision Makers in Group Collaborative Decision Making(PDF)


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Research on Trust Model Based on Trusted Decision Makers in Group Collaborative Decision Making
Peng Tao12Dou Wanfeng12
1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.Jiangsu Research Center of Information Security & Privacy Tchnology,Nanjing 210097,China
trustm odel GCDSS trust relationsh ip trusted dec ision m ake rs
Th is paper presen ts a trust m ode l based on trusted decision m ake rs w ith the character istics of Group Co llabora tive Dec ision Supported Sy stem s ( GCDSS). The trustm odel establishes the trust re la tionsh ip am ong entities and eva lua tes the trust value o f dynam ic decision makers in distributed env ironm ent by histo rical actions o f dec is ion m akers. The paper propo ses a m ethod of direc t trust va lue computation, ind irec t trust va lue computation based on histo rical actions and integ rated trust v alue com puta tion by us ing entropy theory, wh ich prov ides an e ffective reso lvent for secure decision m ak ing. Lastly, the pape r va lida tes the re liab ility of the trustm ode l by s imu la tion experim ent.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02