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Technology of EMC Research in Renewable Energy Systems(PDF)


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Technology of EMC Research in Renewable Energy Systems
Zhao YangDong YinghuaLu XiaoquanJiang NingqiuYan Wei
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
renew ab le energy z- source inverter EMC filter design
In th is paper, a new me thod is proposed to test the conducted electrom agne tic interference ( EM I) no ise of renew ab le ene rgy sy stem s based on ana ly sis the interna l struc ture andm easur ing princ ip le of Z-source inverter. A mo re accuratem easurem en t of conducted EM I no ise in new ene rgy system can be prov ided by th is m ethod in order to design the appropriate filter for conducted EM I no ise suppression. In addition, by adding capac itor and inductance in DC side can reduce the EM I no ise as w e l.l The result o f exper im enta l show s the m ethod is effec tive.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02