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A Scheme on Ultrasonic Level Meter Design(PDF)


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A Scheme on Ultrasonic Level Meter Design
Wang Chao12Pan Weihua12Liu Suyi12Zhan Qianyi12Deng Cheng12Feng XueJun12
1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China;2.Jiangsu Research Center of Information Security and Confidentical Engineering,Nanjing 210097,China
ultrason ic w av e error co rrec tion samp le m ed ian ordinary least squa re
In th is paper, w e introduce a schem e o f softw are and hardw are design for an u ltrason ic leve lm eter imp lem ented by us ing single ch ip, and m eanwh ile analyze the reasons that produce errors in the process o f range find ing. In order to e lim inate the signa l no ises, w e present a calibrating strategy by em ploy ing the m edian o f sam ples obta ined by ?? boxline graph?? as them easur ing va lue o f the sam pling data. M eanwh ile, by usingO rd inary Least Square( OLS), the errors im plem ented by correspond ing system can be furthe r reduced. Cu rrently, this schem e has been e fficiently applied to m easure the leve l of thousands of o ilcanes in an o il field. In addition, this schem e is also su itab le for othe r app lications tha t them easuring d istance is less than 3m and the precision is less than 4mm because o f its simp lic ity and low cost.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02