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Comparative Analysis between Galerkin Approximating Method and Numerical Computation(PDF)


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Comparative Analysis between Galerkin Approximating Method and Numerical Computation
Zhang Junbo1Huang Qinghong2Zhang Min3
1.Taizhou College,Nanjing Normal University,Taizhou 250053,China;2.School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;3.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
Ga le rkin approx im atem e thod num er ica l simu la ting m ethod exact so lution
On the basis of introducing the basic conception of Ga lerkin m ethod, and w ith an ex amp le o fC artesian coordi  nate, the unsteady state hea t conduction prob lem w ere so lved and ca lculated using the finite volum em ethod in structured g rid. The resu lts are in agreem ent when the approx im ate so lu tion is compared w ith the nume rical and the exact so lutions. These prove that Ga lerk in approx im atingm e thod is app licab le to so lve nonlinea r heat conduction prob lem.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02