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Research Methods of Chloride Threshold Value for the Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete(PDF)


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Research Methods of Chloride Threshold Value for the Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete
Yu ZhiwanZhang MeiYu Dongrong
Jiangsu Hohai Project Construction Supervision Company Ltd,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China
chlor ide thresho ld value concrete stee l corro sion research m ethod
The chloride threshold va lue ( CTV) is one of crucial param e ters for determ ining the serv ice life of re inforced concre te structure exposed to ch lo rides. According ly, it has becom e an emphas is of research on the durab ility o f re inforced concrete struc ture. In th is pape r, the research m ethods o f CTV including m ass loss, hal-f cell po tentia,l macroce l,l linea r po larization, e lectrochem ica l im pendence spectro scopy and other e lectro chem ica l m ethods have been rev iew ed. Especia lly, the m echanism s, som e im po rtant features and ex istent issues in eva luation m ethods are introduced. The research ind icates that due to the d ifferences o f mechan ism and standard o f identify ing the co rros ion initiation, the CTVs obta ined by the var ious research me thods m ay be different. So, the different research m ethodsm ay have contr ibu ted to the scatte r o f CTV reported in the perv ious lite ratures.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02