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Design and Realization of Camera System Based on PXA27x(PDF)


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Design and Realization of Camera System Based on PXA27x
Ding ChangshengWu NingGe FenZhang Ying
College of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
PXA27xW indow s CE Quick Capture dev ice dr ive r DMA
On the platfo rm consisted of PXA27x processo r based on the XSca le a rchitec ture andW indow s CE operating system, th is paper ana lyzes the struc ture and display pr inciple o f the Qu ick Capture interface, and presents the hardware circu it design of the cam era. The paper usesW indow s CE stream interface dr ive rm odel to discuss the fram ew ork of driv  e r and the wo rking sta te d iv ision of cam era, and presents the rea liza tion pr inciple of im age co llection us ing DMA inter  rupt in deta i.l Co llec ted image frames a re displayed in the Ov erLayw indow o f the LCD contro ller continuously, and then rea l tim e prev iew is com pleted. The system can properly co llect, transm it and d isplay im ages through verification.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02