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Inhibition of the Culture Water From Oryza Sativa on the Growth of Microcystis Aeruginosa(PDF)


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Inhibition of the Culture Water From Oryza Sativa on the Growth of Microcystis Aeruginosa
Zhang Yuxia12Zhang Ling1Zhang Yangyang1Li Qian1Wu Guorong1
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering,Yancheng Institute of Technology,Yancheng 224003,China
rice cu lture wa ter M icrocy stis aerugino sas inh ib ito ry e ffect a lgae- inhib iting substance
The rice cu lture wa ter ( RCW ) from 20 day. s seed ing s o fOryza sa tiva L. Yanjing 9 w as used to study its inh ibito ry e ffect on the g row th ofM icrocystis aerugino sa and its inh ib itory m echan ism. Results show ed that the grow th o f M. aerugino sa w as obv iously inhib ited by the RCW. The g row th and ch lorophyll contents ofM. aerug inosa decreased, and the so luble pro tein contents and SOD ac tiv ity increased firstly and decreased as the trea tm en t went on. Further resu lts abou t the pur ification and identification of the substances w ith the a lgae- inhib iting effects show ed that the inh ibitory e ffects of o rganic ac id and pheno lic com pounds from the ether ex tracts w ere prom inent, and tr idecano ic acid-12-m ethy,l hex adecano ic ac id and octadecano ic acid w ere identified from its organ ic ac id com ponen ts by the GC /M S.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02