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Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis and Research of Electronic Measurement Equipment(PDF)


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Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis and Research of Electronic Measurement Equipment
Deng LingxiangFeng ZhimingChen DaoshengZhou LeiWu Pinghong
Institute of Product Inspection,Jiangsu Metrology Institute of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210007,China
electromagnetic compatibilityelectronic measurement equipmentcable radiationradiated mechanism noise suppression
For the radiated EMI noise generated by electronic measurement equipment,the near-field and cable radiated models were proposed and analyzed in this paper. Therefore,radiated noise reduction method was designed. High-frequency capacitors in parallel with the PCB pins on the output of single chip microcomputer were employed to suppress CM and DM noise. While noise on cables was controlled by substituting cables into twist-pair and adding ferrite cores. The experimental results show that the suggested method can be utilized to suppress the radiated noise effectively,which can meet the standard GB 9254 Class B.


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Last Update: 2013-03-21