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Research on Fluidization Characteristics of Mixture of Slender Particles and Inert Materials in a Fluidized Bed(PDF)


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Research on Fluidization Characteristics of Mixture of Slender Particles and Inert Materials in a Fluidized Bed
Cai Jie1Li Qihe1Yuan Zhulin2
1.School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
slender particle of strawfluidization characteristicsmixture of slender particles and inert materialsmodel of part phase of solid
In this paper,air and inert materials are treated as continuous phases and disposed with Euler method,slender particles of straw are considered as discrete phase whose movement tracks are traced with Lagrange method,and so a model of part phase of solid is found. Afterward,the fluidization behaviors of mixture of slender particles and quartz sands in a fluidized bed were simulated. It is found that there are evident axial increases of number concentration of slender particles from the central regions to the near-wall regions,in the fully-developed regions,the number concentration of slender particles is identical to the initial number concentration of slender particles in entrance of the riser,the orientation distribution of fluidized slender particles has distinct tendency,and the number percent of slender particles with small Nutation angle is dominant.


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Last Update: 2013-03-21